The best books to start learning Perl are Learning Perl (8th edition) and "Beginning Perl" (by Curtis Poe). Legally free books can be found here, including the amazing "Modern Perl".
Free tutorials/courses to help you learn Perl are: Perl Maven and the freeCodeCamp Perl Course.
A complete reference manual for Perl, as well as several tutorials, can be found here.
If your computer runs Linux/UNIX/macOS, and for some reason doesn't have the latest version of perl (you can check by typing: perl -v), with perl-build you can install the latest version in a directory of your choice.
If you have Microsoft Windows, the latest version of perl can be found here.
Finally, to install Perl libraries/modules from CPAN only in the project you're coding, and not globally on your system, definitely use Carton.
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